Tuesday, 11 April 2023

Some investors feel BCH is not good anymore because they got force liquidated at $100 and caused hundreds of thousands of BCH to be sold at that price. They effectively subsidized the price and then say it didnt go up like ETH and BTC. Talk about cause and effect....

Ive heard recently criticism for BCH, that people took out massive margin loans and got margin called, meaning their BCH got force sold causing the price to crash to $100.

They then go on to say that BCH is a bad project because it didnt go up like Bitcoin-Core and Ethereum.

Hello!!! your margin call is what caused the price to crash....they literally sold their $1500 crypto coin for $100 , subsidizing coins by $1400 (94% realized loss/subsidization). They are the reason its so low. Then they judge the project by their actions.

They could do the same for any asset, buy a huge amount and then market sell it at huge losses. Their choices affected everyone and will take time for the markets to recover from their actions.

A recent example, a massive hedge fund single handedly cause Netflix shares to crash, selling off their 1 Billion dollar stake for a 400 Million dollar loss. The market eventually recovered to well above the crash price, but it took some time. Source: https://www.theguardian.com/media/2022/apr/21/us-hedge-fund-billionaire-bill-ackman-sells-netflix-stake-at-huge-loss

TLDR: The point is that these whales screw the price , then blame the project for being bad even though they are the cause of the price crash, and then after some time the projects prices recover.

submitted by /u/FearlessEggplant3036
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/12hregv/some_investors_feel_bch_is_not_good_anymore/

Monday, 10 April 2023

Abby Martin & Peter Phillips discuss his book "Giants: The Global Power Elite" which details 17 transnational investment firms that control over $50 trillion in wealth—and how they’re kept in power by their facilitators & protectors.

Abby Martin & Peter Phillips discuss his book "Giants: The Global Power Elite" which details 17 transnational investment firms that control over $50 trillion in wealth—and how they’re kept in power by their facilitators & protectors. submitted by /u/fluffykintail
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Unique feature on block explorer www.B.cash

This block explorer uniquely creates short links to block, address, and transaction searches making links easily sharable on micro-blogging websites such as Twitter.


Example: www.b.cash/a/YxYgQI

submitted by /u/papercash
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/12gxace/unique_feature_on_block_explorer_wwwbcash/

0.03 btc in tx sent to some different address

I transferred from ledger live 0.06btc to exchange address, the transaction was approved with ledger nano X, but don't know why 0.03btc was sent to some different btc address other than exchange address

Ledger live still shows that 0.03 btc as in my balance, but on Bitcoin explorers it is gone to some different address and that address has no transactions

I have legacy Bitcoin address in ledger nano X and that's where I sent funds from

So basically ledger live shows I still have those 0.03 btc in my holdings, but they belong to different btc address, how's that's possible?

submitted by /u/mica280amg
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Love. Forgive. Turn the Other Cheek.

Love. Forgive. Turn the Other Cheek. submitted by /u/fiendishcrypto
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/12gwk5p/love_forgive_turn_the_other_cheek/

To the Bitcoin haters

Some will state that Bitcoin has not provided any value since its creation.

These people are generally Fiat Keynesian brainwashed westerners that have never set foot in an underdeveloped country that's been ravaged by corruption and hyperinflation.

I say to them: There is more to the world than the west.

Individuals in underdeveloped countries use it as a store of value AND as a medium of exchange. There are over 1.7 billion unbanked people in this world and Bitcoin is a bank account for every single one of them.

1) It allows them to receive remittances from abroad instantly and at a fraction of the cost charged in TradFi.

2) It allows them to store value and protects them from hyperinflation and currency debasement.

3) It allows them to protect their hard earned savings from confiscation. In these type of countries political corruption and oppression are rampant and confiscation happens more than you think.

4) It allows them to trade digitally and globally over the internet in an efficient and reliable manner, something not possible without a bank account.

Go out and see the world for yourself and not through the mainstream media.

submitted by /u/TheCoin-Files
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Supposedly insiders in the SEC think Crypto ETF's will be approved after the GBTC lawsuit, including BTC (GBTC) and BCH (BCHG) ETF's. However ETH not to be approved due to concerns it maybe a security due to initial premine distribution.

submitted by /u/FearlessEggplant3036
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/12gt49l/supposedly_insiders_in_the_sec_think_crypto_etfs/