

Bitcoin realized cap hits all time high: What it means for the price

Mint Bot Allows Telegram Users to Tip People in Chat Rooms With Any SLP Token

[ wallet] is it just me, or does everyone lose their contacts when the wallet updated?

BTC2019: Law and the Lightning Network | Peter Van Valkenburgh

Crescent Cash is coming to F-Droid! This makes Crescent the first Bitcoin Cash wallet to be added to the official F-Droid repo!

The BCH Mining Infrastructure Funding / Donation / Tax / Fee Plan LIVE 9pm EST Tonight!

I was just with my wife at a spa, she grabbed an apple and started munching on it...a minute later she looks and me and says: “Did you know you can eat the Core?” I smiled back and responded ever so naturally “yes, but I’d rather eat Bitcoin Cash”. She stared at me puzzled for a good minute or two.

Craig Wright's 'Bonded Courier' Allegedly an Attorney Who Can't Communicate

Twitter co-founder backs an app that lets users buy Bitcoin

Noticed this on my coworkers desk today... had to post

Visualizing bitcoin held in exchanges over time

Emin Gün Sirer: "I've found the opposite. Maximalism attracts two kinds of people: the people who are new to the space, because they get their information from /r/bitcoin, and the people who are insecure and seek social support over truth. Over time, independent thinkers leave maximalism behind."