
Bitcoin Volatility Expected to Rise After the US Presidential Election

am I the only one more excited about BTC's second 14000 hit than about the ongoing election?

Look ABC is dead now. Long live BCH.

So, why the drop?

another prove how successfully the ABC hijack attempt is hurting the value of BCH

Bitcoin Has Been Through Two US Presidential Elections, This One Will be Different for BTC

Divided we fell

PayPal Raises Crypto Buying Limit to $15K/Week for ‘Eager’ Customers

How Bitcoin Has Performed Throughout the Pandemic (With Graphs)

How much longer will the weak hands willing to sell for less than 14k last?

Bought some crypto from Paypal and I’m a little disappointed

Stablewallets with Lightning and sockets

These Institutions Are Buying Up All The Bitcoin - Get Yours Before They Do