
Electrum Cash "" split issue

US Banks Face a Massive Commercial Real Estate Crisis Looming on the Horizon

I posted this 7 years ago, Bitcoin is on fire again!

Elon Musk Replying to Maisie Williams on Twitter: "🎶 Toss a bitcoin to ur Witcher 🎶"

Bitpay support.

Can’t stop buying

Poolin Launches Taproot Activation Initiative

There is a cost, but we've got to call out bad behavior early for BCH's decentralized governance to work.

At 9:00 AM PST today, my personal project recorded a pretty big jump in Tweet volume for Bitcoin, since then I noticed an interesting upward trend in price. Usually, the monthly average is around 100 tweets per minute, today I recorded 260.

Shocked that were flipped by LTC

Logic > “cOnSpiRaCy”

Bitcoin is pumping, aaaaaaaand Coinbase is down

Monday Art - Feeling Comfy This Winter