
Long Bitcoin, Short USD Says BoA Global Fund Manager Survey

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Cynthia Lummins is a US Senator that LOVES Bitcoin! Please consider giving her a follow on Twitter!

Pornhub turns to cryptocurrency for premium service

My reminder to be patient, stack sats, and HODL

JPMorgan concludes crypto demand is rising after MassMutual’s purchase.

Problems with BCH

Gold, Real Estate and Bonds Could Lose Significant Demand to Bitcoin, Says Saifedean Ammous

Pornhub Now Only Accepts Cryptocurrency For Premium Services

“People take for granted what they hear about cryptocurrencies. Even if a technology is decentralized in terms of the technology itself, it doesn’t imply the technology is decentralized in our society or it’s guaranteed to be”

11 days to go #BCH house Moçambique

Venezuelans Use Blockchain Tech in Unofficial Anti-Maduro Referendum