
Block 666,666 was mined today and has a message: “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good - Romans 12:21”

We proudly announce the launch of Arcane-Node, a project that wish to change BTC forver.

BitPal: A self-hosted payment processor for the 2021 Bitcoin Unlimited Coinparty hackathon

Instantly convert all your crypto to BCH!!!

[OC] The Bitcoin Paradox

1 euro = 3341 satoshis

100 out of 100 of the last conversations I’ve had with investors seriously looking to allocate, let's say over 50 million dollars, 100% of those conversations have been about Bitcoin and 0% of them have been about any other crypto asset,"

New BTC Maxi Sh!tcoin Scandal by Samson Mow

The IFP incentives were so bad that it was one of the worst things to ever happen to Bitcoin.

Greyscale just added another 16,000 BTC to their holdings.

Lost everything in house fire, a friendly reminder to keep your keys safe.

Built for the CoinParty hackathon, GeoDrop brings us a step closer to the PurelyPeer economy!

Coinparty Finished! - Vote for my project!! - A virtual BCH coinslot!