
Blockstream’s recent fund raise from Bitfinex/Tether is based on 65% (unknown) commercial papers. No way is a hat shop $3 billion worth

PAWS Chicago now accepts cryptocurrency donations, BCH included =)

American Crypto Bitcoin ATM has expanded in Milton PA, and London OH (near Columbus). Check out our NEW locations! Buy BTC, ETH, LTC & BCH today!

TIL Stripe ended support for Bitcoin back in 2018 and mention BCH as an alternative.

Bitstamp founder sues the crypto exchange in boardroom battle

Bitcoin Cash in Fashion Event Barquisimeto Venezuela

'I finally have X amount of Bitcoin' type posts should be banned

"The US dollar is one of the strongest currencies of the past 100+ years. Yet it has lost 96% of its purchasing power since 1913."

Iran to Lift Ban on Bitcoin Mining Next Month: Reports Earlier this year, Iran was responsible for an estimated 4.5% of Bitcoin mining globally.


BCH Argentina support FutVal (Soccer with Values) program

Infographic explaining BTC and BCH

When this post is 3 hours old there will be a virtual BCH meeting you can follow featuring Mark Lamb from CoinFLEX talking about SmartBCH.