
WonderFi Listed on FTX to Provide 24/7, Global Access to Trading

Buy coffee and pastries with BCH in Caracas Venezuela

Bought these when they were less than $5 per coin. 🚀 HODL Forever.

Don't say we didn't warn them!

If you live in Turkey, Bitcoin just keeps making new all time highs. Also on the chart is GOLDs performance relative to the lira.


Thoughts about MistSwap from SmaartBCH

BCH testnet4 for May 2022 network upgrade (updated, 2021-11-23)

Get a computer monitor for a friend in Brazil

Tether BURNING USDT tokens this week, watch out below!

Does anybody remember when Satoshi and Vitalik went like "the problem with banking and credit card is that it's not secure and the fees are to low. Let's make it twice as secure and ten times as expensive. That is a product that everybody will love"

$85k worth of crypto stolen in Peru - A cautionary tale

El Salvador’s Bitcoin Bond with Lyn Alden — What Bitcoin Did