Sunday, 21 April 2019

To be sovereign over your onchain funds requires one thing: that the coins be in a wallet whose keys you exclusively control

There's a lot of disinformation out there about needing to run a "full node" in order to be "sovereign" over your coins.

It's balderdash. Sovereign means to be in complete control, autonomous. You control your coins fully simply by having control over your private key. For example if you create a garden variety paper wallet for your funds, you are in complete control of your money. By contrast, if your coins are on exchange or in a payment channel that is shared with another party, then you do not have complete control or autonomy over the coins. Only onchain coins offer true sovereignty.

To clear up another misunderstanding in advance: SPV wallets do not require trust. Using an SPV wallet, a user can trustlessly query the network until he is satisfied his transaction is included in the chain with the most work. All the user is required to download are the block headers. Using the block headers the user can prove for himself that his transaction was included in the most-proof-of-work chain.

To summarize:

To be truly sovereign (have complete control) over your coins they must be in a wallet whose keys you control exclusively (ie not on exchange or in a joint-custody transaction) and you do not need to download the entire blockchain to verify your transactions.

submitted by /u/jessquit
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