Wednesday, 29 May 2019

/r/cryptocurrency -- if the truth hurts, censor it

I posted this reply[screenshot][notabug] to this comment by /u/jwinterm in /u/cryptocurrency . My reply got quietly moderated and is no longer visible. I did not receive notification or explanation why it got moderated.

/u/jwinterm comment:

Please don't come into this thread saying that the problem is bitcoin and then proceed to shill your preferred alternative. The user has a specific problem here related to Jaxx, try to stay on topic.

There was another post recently about someone using Jaxx liberty wallet and the wallet didn't generate a change address so he paid a ~0.01 BTC miner fee. Between this (estimating $55 fee while mempool is empty on medium priority) and that, I'd be wary of using their product.

To op: import your seed into electrum or something where you can manually adjust the fee in sat/byte. I highly doubt you need to pay more than a few cents if you don't mind waiting a day or two to get confirmed.

My reply:

Please don't come into this thread saying that the problem is bitcoin ...

... if you don't mind waiting a day or two to get confirmed

And you don't think that's a problem do you? Do you realize that BTC is just about the most clunky and difficult to use cryptocurrency in existence (save for maybe one or two exceptions which went down even more spectacularly bad roads)?

To my knowledge my comment does not violate any /r/cryptocurrency rules. I suspect if I hadn't criticized BTC, but some other cryptocurrency, my comment would not have been moderated. It would appear /u/jwinterm is using /r/cryptocurrency to shill BTC by supressing alternate points of view, which is both against reddits rules, and against /r/cryptocurrency rules.

Quietly removing comments without explanation that didn't violate any rule is also against reddits moderation guidelines and moddiquette.

Edit: After discussion with /u/jwinterm I have left this comment directly to the OP adressing a specific problem he overlooked:

and then imported my seed into electrum with only bitcoin left. It worked without hassle, and I have now initiated a very cheap transaction compared with what jaxx offered.

You are not finished, you now need to consolidate inputs. Coming from many addresses you now have a single address with many inputs. Due to BTCs high and unpredictable fees, this will still cost you a lot should you wish to issue a transaction from that address in a timely fashion (next block). To avoid this problem you need to consolidate the inputs (send all funds from that address, to the same or a different address). After that you only pay for one input which at current rates only costs you $3.77 per transaction.

I believe this does not violate the ad-hoc rules of that thread, but it still explains why BTC here is at fault and what the user can do about it to merely get expensive and not insanely expensive. Let's see if the no censorship claim holds up.

submitted by /u/pyalot
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