Picture this, you're playing the board game, "Monopoly" with several other people.
One of the players is the banker. Another player is the banker's friend.
You've worked hard, played carefully, and now you own all three of the orange properties. You've even put two houses on each.
However, when the banker gets into financial trouble, say, he lands on one of your orange properties, he simply reaches into the money tray, and pays you. He can't run out of money, can't lose.
Same for his friend. When his friend landed on a green property, the banker just reached into the money supply, pulled out a $500 bill and gave it to his friend, who then bought the green property he otherwise would not have been able to afford. Then the banker grabed more $500 bills and handed them to his friend, and called it QE or ZIRP... The banker's friend then put hotels on the green properties, using his "zero percent loan".
When the banker lands on the green properties, his friend looks the other way, pretends not to notice. When you land on them, you need to cough up the cash -- you have to sell your houses back to the bank and mortgage your orange properties...
The banker can't lose.
The banker's "crony" can't lose, either.
You can't win. The other players can't win.
Who wants to play like that?
Well, that's how real life is, with the central banks. The banks and their cronies went bust about ten years ago. They just created many tens of trillions of dollars worth of their "play money" from nothing, backed by nothing, and used it to bail themselves out, along with selected cronies. They can't lose, you can't win.
Right around that time, I went looking for a way to leave that rigged game, looking for a way to protect my hard-earned wealth from corrupt government and criminal banksters. But where? How?
I looked at other countries: saw similar situations w/ central banks, fake money, and irresponsible governments. Shit.
I looked at gold. But gold has been confiscated in the past, and was/is likely to be confiscated again, perhaps during the next financial crisis. Gold is expensive to store and transport securely. Gold is heavy, takes up space, and sets off metal detectors. Meanwhile, highway robbers, pirates, and even cops can and will steal your gold if you get caught moving it around (asset forfeiture laws). I realized, "if I need to flee from this place, I'll probably have to leave all my material wealth behind."
I looked at some other ideas, but they had similar limitations. Still, I was looking for something...
And then I found it: I heard about Bitcoin. I read the white paper. Then I read it again. Then I did research into the math/cryptography... this is IT, the kind of thing I was looking for:
* 'good' money
* mobility
* cannot be taken by force
* will never have its value inflated away
Meanwhile, it slowly dawns on the rest of humanity that "central banking" and its fiat "play money" currencies is the biggest scam of all time. Slowly.
We're one financial crisis away...
At this time, people are still willing to part with some/all of their Bitcoin for a large enough amount of fiat money, say, USD. As fiat fails (in the future), there will come a point where nobody will be willing to exchange their Bitcoin for ANY amount of fiat. "Permanent Backwardation."
Remember the crooked "Monopoly" banker? He can't win if we all walk away and play a new game, one where everybody, let me emphasize, everybody has to play by the rules. He probably can't win at the new game, either...
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