Why this sub gets a influx of coretards on a pump then on the dump they disappear

On the pump - see paper gainz, lambo dream seems possible, boost of confidence, can't sell cuss hodl and fomo. Can't spend cuss high fees/hodl/fomo can't do anything but go to other sub and get sense of superiority. Ha ha I'm so great I'm going to be rich. Look at me look at me.

On the dump - oh shit, I should of sold. It will come back won't it ? Not so confident any more, need reassuring, heads back to /r/ bitcoin for guaranteed reassurance and nice memes. Waits patiently for next opportunity to fantasize about being rich.

submitted by /u/Calm_down_stupid
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/c5x5pu/why_this_sub_gets_a_influx_of_coretards_on_a_pump/
