Monday, 26 August 2019

Coinbase Account Closed

On Friday afternoon I received an email from coinbase saying they had determined that I was breaking their TOS. My account would be closed and I could withdraw my funds. I'm not entirely sure why or how this decision was reached but nonetheless, I went through the procedure of withdrawing my funds from coinbase.

On coinbase I had very little funds and no issues withdrawing out the little crypto I had there. The bulk of my funds that were held with Coinbase was on coinbase pro. Not being aware this would cause an issue, I withdrew the funds, cashed out and proceeded close the account and then to tried to remove my funds from coinbase pro. Here in lies the issue. There is no option for me to withdraw my funds from coinbase pro. I had a decent amount in crypto, cash and pending Bank transfers. Now I have no access. When I call in, the support line says there is no account in my number and to please call back with the right phone number etc.

I know coinbase support can be challenging to get through to the right people. I sent an email explaining the issue and I will wait to hear back. What is the proper protocol to get my money back in a timely manner? Any suggestions or if you had this happen before and have any advice please let me know. Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/redeemit
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