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submitted by /u/cryptoparody [link] [comments] |
This blog brings you the best Cryptocurrency & Blockchain, ICO & P2P and Exchange & Laws news. Also contains technology and research based post from all around the world every single day. Get informed! Think Future!
Thursday, 31 December 2020
Lost over $50k and I'm pretty mad
Being here right now feels absolutely surreal. Bitcoin has finally done it. I was always a firm believer in the the technology and u knew this day would come. I've held my 1.8 btc through thick and thin since 2017 and for some fucking reason I decided to put it all into an altcoin I got hyped about this August. Now what would've been over 50k of btc is 7k of the altcoins I'm still holding. Should've held that fucking door.
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/knj1r9/lost_over_50k_and_im_pretty_mad/
Are you guys going to do this community coin thing ?
I just got moons from participating in crypto sub. Seems reddit is jumping head first into blockchain stuff. Is bch going to do something similar. Just curious.
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/kniruc/are_you_guys_going_to_do_this_community_coin_thing/
Happy New Year-We went out on the street
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This year was amazing, and I want to thank the community, doing what I like the most And for that we went to the street to talk to people.. it was a grueling but great day Details on Read Cash ... https://read.cash/@BCHouseVE/december-30th-we-went-to-the-streets-b7ef9867 Thank you all [link] [comments] |
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/kni1gp/happy_new_yearwe_went_out_on_the_street/
Statement from Hathor developer
Hey, I'm one of Hathor Network's main developers. I know this has been said before, but just to clarify, what coin.dance and others classify as
isn't actually a pool but all blocks that were merge mined with Hathor (marked with the magic numberHath
on the coinbase).The largest Hathor pool has been, and continues to, mine empty blocks. Despite all our (and also many other folks, such as emergent_reasons) efforts they always say they will try to do it and nothing changes. My honest impression is that it's a mix of not caring and not understanding the situation. I know that a very significant and vocal portion of the BCH and BSV communities interprets this as malice, IMO that isn't really accurate but I understand the reasoning.
We've been helping other devs making pools and recently a pool by the name of Zulupool started an open beta and has been gaining some traction and are steadily becoming the new largest pool. They have been nothing but great and are very aware of the situation and properly include transactions on the blocks they produce. Unfortunately coin.dance and the like mark all of these as
, so it's harder to tell them apart. It's possible by looking at the coinbase output address.
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/knit6l/statement_from_hathor_developer/
3 reasons why merchants no longer accept Bitcoin BTC
- Customers would be expected to pay $8.80 transaction fee on any purchase they make. For example, coffee purchased with BTC is 300% more expensive.
- Merchants must also inflate prices by at least $8.80 for customers wishing to pay with BTC because the merchant would incur a similar transaction fee to move the BTC to an exchange etc.
- Merchants must make customers wait for at least a confirmation as BTC has a deprecated 0-conf due to RBF and congestion.
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/kngzby/3_reasons_why_merchants_no_longer_accept_bitcoin/
The world's first Bitcoin Airport isn't
Australia once boasted the first Bitcoin Airport however today, on a recent trip through the Brisbane terminal, gone are the Bitcoin stickers, and only a "sorry we no longer accept Bitcoin" response from the merchants. I am guessing they are transitioning to Blockstream's tabs.
Bitcoin BTC is a joke, for everything else there's Bitcoin BCH.
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/knhw9w/the_worlds_first_bitcoin_airport_isnt/
Just bought the most expensive bitcoin of all time at ATH!
EYYY I just bought a bit at 28996, pretty sure that makes me stupid but I reckon I'll be alright in the long term. Just thought it was pretty cool that I just to happened to get it at its most value against the dollar. How long until this post is no longer valid?
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“Hello $BCH Community! We are glad to announce that we'll be hosting a BitcoinCash MeetUp In Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria on the 11th of January.. We're 50% Ready.”
Anyone else feel bittersweet seeing the price go up? You know it’s what you always wanted but you feel like you don’t have as much BTC as you would want...
Feels bad man! I can’t be happy about the bull market because I don’t have the amount of BTC that I really want. It’s a bummer
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Just sold so I can buy a house mortgage-free!
It’s been a wild ride but I’ve sold all my holdings so I can buy a nice house without need to take out a mortgage.
And the money I would be paying into a mortgage... will be spent on BTC instead babay!
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Wednesday, 30 December 2020
Whatch your stop limit orders...
Had mine hit last night on the dump. Triggered the sale. Didn’t even catch it till tonight. Had to buy back in 2k higher than where I sold.
FML. Watch your numbers.
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/kmvzvm/whatch_your_stop_limit_orders/
Finally bought BTC
Bought my first substantial amount, over 0.1 BTC and will be making BTC my defacto savings. I'm ready for those 2021 gains 💪 let's do this!
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I need help marketing Member and member.cash - There are funds ringfenced for this, around $10K from the last Flipstarter - pm me if you'd like to help out.
I got robbed today.
I was trying to find support for Blockchain due to BTC being held in my trading account. I was desperately looking on Twitter and come across the following: https://twitter.com/blockchain__com?s=09
I know I'm the idiot for falling for this scam but I'm new to BTC and don't use Twitter other than to get support from companies I do business with.
I've reported them and made Blockchain.com aware of this scam too.
Stay safe people and always keep an eye out for scammers. I've learned the hard way.
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/kmvlhq/i_got_robbed_today/
When miners are hashing blocks, how often do they update the list of transactions that are in the block?
Hey all,
I'm trying to un-tangle how I think about how miners include transactions into blocks.
My understanding is that the hash of all of the transactions is taken into account when mining it. That would mean that the calculation would change completely if more transactions were added when mining it. My main question is, how often do transactions get added to the current block that the miner is hashing, if at all?
A bonus question would be: if they get added into the block in the middle of hashing it, wouldn't that decrease the probability of finding a block? It would be like starting over from scratch, right?
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/kmv0vv/when_miners_are_hashing_blocks_how_often_do_they/
BTC $28,000 again!
Will it be more pumpin or massive dumpin in the New Year?
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/kmtjx8/btc_28000_again/
History Lesson / Satoshi on Micropayments (Aug 2010): "While I don't think Bitcoin is practical for smaller micropayments right now [2010], it will eventually be as storage and bandwidth costs continue to fall... I think in 5 or 10 years, the bandwidth and storage will seem trivial."
I have 11 of my seedwords, how can I find the 12th?
I don't mind if I have to crack it somehow, I made the wallet with bisq, thought I copied all the seed words but apparently not. Is there a way I can get the 12th? I mean, it's just english words, there's a limited number of them. Is there a utility/script I can use to recover my wallet? I have $500 on there and am pulling my hair out right now.
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/kmrjay/i_have_11_of_my_seedwords_how_can_i_find_the_12th/
BCH Side Hustles for the Great Reset
With the Great Reset coming soon, to include the collapse of many banks and national fiat currencies, many people are wondering what they can do to move their assets into forms that are immune to such disasters. I believe the most imperative thing people need to realize is that anyone with a large savings or investment in fiat of any kind is a potential victim of a banking collapse and worldwide depression. There is talk of a major war that may happen soon. Infrastructure could go down, possibly for an extended period of time. Will blockchain assets survive? Only time will tell.
Fiat currencies certainly will fail, ultimately, meaning their purchasing power will diminish to zero corresponding to the amount of trust people still have in their respective governments. As we enter the age of lockdowns and medical tyranny all over the world, I suspect that trust will quickly vanish as people look for alternative means of making a living without having to be subjected to involuntary and untested medical procedures. This means a booming underground economy. However,
At the same time, governments are phasing out cash in favor of digital payment forms, which are all linked to their centralized institutions so that everyone is 100% tracked. The people who think they are being smart by putting their savings into "trusted" institutional crypto asset accounts are still likely not holding their own keys on a native blockchain, therefore they are not really in control of their assets. In order to truly be in control you must maintain full control over your private keys. This is the forgotten beauty of Bitcoin. You don't need any third party to maintain an account for you. Of course the trade-off is that account security is your own responsibility. This is where many people are unprepared and will fall into traps.
Rule 1: Maintain your own keys
The highest security for high-balance accounts is physical offline storage. Paper and ink to write down a seed phrase is the simplest way, but where extra security steps can be taken, this is advised. Some options are permanent media like etching onto steel, either by hand or by laser, or using premade recovery kits. Many people make the noob mistake of taking a screenshot or picture on their phone of their seed phrase and storing that on a platform like Dropbox. Do I even need to explain why this is a bad idea?
Rule 2: Treat crypto like cash
Too many people still think of crypto as an investment vehicle. That was never its purpose. Bitcoin Cash is the embodiment of what Bitcoin was always supposed to be, meaning peer to peer digital currency. The value per unit may go up or down day to day, but that should be irrelevant in the long run, as long as the original protocol remains in place with a limited supply and adequate hashrate. I leave it to miners and other large stakeholders to worry about their security and investment strategies, trusting that their goals align with the overall network i.e. increasing adoption so that more people can transact freely without institutional friction. In other words, crypto is like the money under your digital mattress, only instead of its value diminishing over time, it increases due to scarcity.
Rule 3: Privacy is a skill
There's been a lot written about the privacy problems inherent in all bitcoin-based protocols. If you trade fiat currencies for crypto, there is very likely a digital paper trail. The only way to stay anonymous on any blockchain is to never touch any ID-related services. The second you link your bank account or open an exchange account, your activities are exposed to anyone with access to that confidential information, including governments and corporations who may want to sue you or freeze/seize your accounts for whatever reasons. If they can link one address to your identity, they can likely link many more and build whatever case against you they want. This is why privacy features on Bitcoin Cash are important (and just to point out, privacy features like CashFusion and CashShuffle are only possible on BCH because of the always low fees). I also highly recommend Monero since it works very similar to BCH but with default privacy so that even with your address no one can see your transactions.
Rule 4 (optional): Go bankless
The last step is going fully bankless including all business accounts, savings accounts, retirement accounts, etc. This is a new paradigm for most people. I am not giving financial advice on these topics, but if you think any of those things will remain or still have any meaning after the big collapse, then you have more faith in the system than I do. The only thing I trust enough to manage my future is myself, so I would recommend having alternative ways of doing business that don't require counting on institutional support that might not exist during a collapse. For example, if you use a payment processor on your Shopify store, what happens if they decide they don't support your business model anymore and cut you off? It's already been happening to many people for years. I'm not aware of many options for having a self-hosted crypto webstore that's simple enough for the average person to set up.
This is also where I think we need more ideas and more development for people with small businesses. How are people using crypto to survive in places like Venezuela? If/when widespread adoption happens, whether governments succeed in taking control of crypto assets, everyone should be prepared to HODL their own assets while maintaining privacy, but most importantly, also recognize that money is supposed to represent economic energy. Proof-of-Work means that energy was expended to produce every single bitcoin in existence. No one can print more bitcoins to devalue what already exists. Fiat currencies will all eventually collapse since their value is based on a false sense of security that governments and institutions will always be there to take care of us, but that is not a guarantee we can all count on.
How are you preparing to get through this economic disaster?
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/kmofn6/bch_side_hustles_for_the_great_reset/
My investment is now over 100%.
Since I was 17 I saved money working to buy bitcoin. I slaved at my job with closing shifts and put 80% of my money into ETH and BC. Now I am about to turn 20 and my 10,000$ I invested is worth 20,000$. Let’s just hope we’re all 5X richer by 2022 and I’m at 100,000$! Goodluck everyone :)
Edit: Thanks for my first Reddit gold!
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"70 percent of lottery winners end up bankrupt"
What does this have to do with you? Everything. If you are fortunate enough to make a or have made a ton of money in Bitcoin, you need to understand why so many lottery winners end up broke. They have little to no idea on how to manage money.
Making a lot of money is not the same as managing a lot of money; People screaming about lambo's and how they want this and that, it's a stupid way to go about receiving the beautiful gift of bitcoin.
Avoid liabilities, gain assets.
If Bitcoin teaches you anything, be weary about spending tons of your money on things that can be replicated. Cars, clothes, tv's, computers. They won't make you happier.
During this journey everybody should be learning on how to gain, and hold onto wealth.
Edit: apparently the statistic isn't correct. Some some news spewing it around. Credit to u/itsnotlupus for pointing it out (Also happy cake day).
The point still stands though.
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Who else’s friends have been asking them if it’s a good time to buy Bitcoin recently? Lol
Am I the only one who has advocated for Bitcoin to their friends and family the past few years but have found their only interested now at an ATH? Lol
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Tuesday, 29 December 2020
1 BTC = 5400 chickens
At $27,000 per BTC and $5/chicken, each Bitcoin is worth 5,400 chickens.
The global chicken market cap is 50 billion chickens times $5/chicken. That's $250 billion.
The Bitcoin market cap is twice that.
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"not your keys — not your coins!"
It is always a good reminder and with the amount of new people in the space I thought its worth a post again.
When you keep your coins on an exchange, it means that the coins are stored in the exchange's wallet, a wallet (and private keys) which is within the exchange's control. In this case you don't own your coins.
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Shareable link in Bitcoin.Com
I see a lot of "shareable links" but I'm always late😅😅 They are too fast. Maybe, next time I will press quickly💪💪Challenging!😅😅
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/km4mj2/shareable_link_in_bitcoincom/
Bitcoin displacing Gold as a store of value will free up literal TONS of gold for industrial, technology, and science applications. We’re making the world better in so many ways!
For those who are not familiar, gold is an amazing anti corrosion conductor and has numerous other properties that give it productive value. Years back, I would hear the argument that gold is more intrinsically valuable than BTC for this very reason.
With that being said, the price of gold today reflects its increasingly obsolete role as a store of value / safe haven asset. If folks stop hoarding gold for those purposes, the price will plummet and productive entities in science and engineering will have greater access than ever before. The ensuing wave of innovation will be dazzling.
Regarding the dated argument that gold is intrinsically more valuable than Bitcoin, remember that we are more scarce, more fungible, more trustworthy, and increasingly more in demand... Among other points.
Keep calm and HODL on
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Coinbase: Please allow customers to participate in IPO
This is a request for Coinbase to do like Airbnb did and give their customers the option to participate in their IPO.
Proposal: give customers the option to buy up to $20,000 of Coinbase stock at IPO price.
I have a strong feeling that Coinbase will be pressured by Wall Street against this idea. Please upvote if you agree with this.
This is about an even playing field. We do not want to see the traditional IPO with bankers buying the stock at IPO price and selling it at a 50 percent or 100 premium to the general public.
We the users who have contributed to Coinbase’s success deserve this.
EDIT: to all those who say this isn’t technically possible... AIRBNB just did this 2 weeks ago at their IPO. I know because my friend (who is a host and not an accredited investor) bought 150 shares at IPO price.
Want proof? Okay: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/12/10/airbnb-hosts-profit-from-ipo-pop-spreading-wealth-beyond-investors.html
Edit: Apparently Uber and Lending Tree did something similar at their IPO as well
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Many years are required to reveal true value
I remember when I first heard about Ripple (XRP) and how a company was largely in control of it and most of the coins were already issued and held by the company. I was like what is the point of this? This is the exact opposite of what we are trying to accomplish here. Next thing I know the price of Ripple skyrockets, but I chalk it up to either (1) the mass public being misinformed or (2) me not fully understanding the value proposition.
Well here we are and the SEC is bringing a suit against the company and exchanges are delisting it and all of the issues with centralization are being brought right to the surface. It took like 5+ years for this to happen.
I’m confident that BTC is going to be over $100K in this decade. But I’m also confident that $100 fees will pretty much destroy the direct use of BTC as a currency. Like Ripple, it will take many years for this weakness to come to fruition.
Let’s be wise as a community and make the right long-term decisions for BCH. Mainly, (1) leave it alone, (2) build more secure, private, and useful wallets, and (3) keep the fees low so merchants can use it. It’s not unreasonable, in fact over the next 10-30 years it is very well likely, for BCH to flip with BTC and be known by the simple moniker “Bitcoin” and leave BTC known as Bitcoin Core.
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/km4z9k/many_years_are_required_to_reveal_true_value/
Why is this transaction with a $5 fee not confirmed after 4 hours and how can I fix it?
What can I do to bump / boost this?
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/km3h25/why_is_this_transaction_with_a_5_fee_not/
The thing I'm looking forward to most in the price going up is the money it provides for really smart people to do their thing.
Of course, some will buy Lambos but bet there are people desperately awaiting the funding for their ideas with full creative control which excites me.
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Amazed at the BCH fees!
After being screwed over multiple times on small balances when moving Ether across wallets I honeslty just gave up trying to do anything related to ERC-20, came across this subreddit and have been reading about all the upsides BCH has that BTC doesn't and honeslty im sold, love the community, no idea why it's being shilled everywhere else because today I moved ~$60 for less than a cent. Amazed at how friendly it is to small holders (which is the majority of the world when cryptos scale)
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/km2jfg/amazed_at_the_bch_fees/
Monday, 28 December 2020
XRP Going to 0?? | This Week in Crypto – Dec 28, 2020 The post XRP Going to 0?? | This Week in Crypto – Dec 28, 2020 appeared first on 99 Bitcoins. Ripple was given a massive blow by the Securities and Exchange Commission, which has … XRP Going to 0?? | This Week in Crypto – Dec 28, 2020 Read More »
The post XRP Going to 0?? | This Week in Crypto – Dec 28, 2020 appeared first on 99 Bitcoins.
Ripple was given a massive blow by the Securities and Exchange Commission, which has …
XRP Going to 0?? | This Week in Crypto – Dec 28, 2020 Read More »
from 99 Bitcoins https://ift.tt/34JePiL
A massive price increase is coming to Bitcoin Cash
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I can feel, is starting, first slow, then fast. A massive price increase like we have never seen before is about to hit Bitcoin Cash. The perfect storm is forming. High fees on Bitcoin Core (BTC) and Ethereum, both of them congested and slow. The extremely low price of Bitcoin Cash and a very recent inverted Big Blocks H&S. 2K users online on this Subreddit. What is next, Microstrategy investors taking a position on Bitcoin Cash? Buckle up your seatbelt, Dorothy, [link] [comments] |
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/klj3ve/a_massive_price_increase_is_coming_to_bitcoin_cash/
If you are wondering what a purchased Bitcoin troll account looks like here is ANOTHER great example. 11 year old account, never mentions Bitcoin, then one day (2 years ago) starts non-stop trolling BCH and posting pro-Blockstream propaganda.
I'm felling the pain of every Satoshi spent over the last few years.
I'm a hodler and would spend some sats from time to time. My golf bag probably cost me 10k at this current valuation. Funny how from a lens of gratitude this bull run is beautiful. But that demonic part of the brain that regrets is getting loud and laughing at me for ever spending one sat. (which I know is silly, but its there)
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Crypto is pretty much the only reason I used Reddit anymore, and I'd like to stop using this website. submitted by /u/TheTruthHas...
submitted by /u/FearlessEggplant3036 [link] [comments] source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/12gt49l/supposedly_insiders_in_t...
submitted by /u/KillerHurdz [link] [comments] source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/a6bm9y/discussing_bitcoin_power_dyn...