We have built a marketplace for Bitcoin Cash

Hello Bitcoin Cash,

I am a co-founder of Serey.io, which is a social media platform based on the blockchain (graphene). We have just built a decentralized marketplace for Bitcoin Cash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pga6UJAc6uU

Right now, we are looking for capital and would like to know if Bitcoin Cash would like to acquire this marketplace from us. Besides this, we can also offer a community-based content sharing platform for Bitcoin Cash that is effective against unwanted behavior from the BTC community and that can be managed based on BCH's community values. As a content sharing platform we can implement BCH in our Serey Walllet, and make payments easier by allowing users to send BCH to user-names instead of long BCH addresses.

Could you advise me how to contact the right person of Bitcoin Cash or maybe, if possible, to contact Roger Ver? There's a lot of mutual things that both Bitcoin Cash and our platform Serey could do to foster faster adoption of both our currencies.

Here is an introduction video about us: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxbg1hKXvjE


submitted by /u/jokerscircle
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/f9nw0i/we_have_built_a_marketplace_for_bitcoin_cash/
