So I’m trying to onboard my 16yo cousin from a distance... but the wallet is not making it as easy as I think we need

Ok so I set up a wallet for my cousin, funded it with a little BCH, wrote down the 12 word seed, and then helped him import that to the app to get his wallet, easy right?


The first thing he tells me is the app wanted his iCloud account to log in, so he gave it... ugh... that should be later, and an option, not the FIRST dang step...

Then he sends me a screenshot of the main screen, it lists “My BCH Wallet” in green, and “My Bitcoin Wallet” in orange below... again arg, why can’t it be “BitcoinCash” at least!?!?

Of course he says “ok I see Bitcoin, but what’s BCH?”

Then I tell him to open the orange Bitcoin wallet, then the 3 dots at top right, then delete the wallet - which can’t be done apparently - WHY!?!?

I know doesn’t want to be TOO UNFAIR to BTC but geez, they should really make the initial experience a little bit better for newbies... and BCH

submitted by /u/megability
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