200-days moving average at ATH

Today the simple 200-days moving average on BTC/USD finally reaches an all-time-high [1], breaking its last local maximum from June 3rd, 2018. For long-term stock and FX traders, that's a crucial bullish signal on the most commonly used [2] moving-average period, especially given that the 50-days moving average is more than 12% above the 200-days one. Last time this happened (ATH after a local maximum) was in December 2016, when BTC was at $775.

[1] https://bitcoincharts.com/charts/bitstampUSD#rg730ztgSza1gSMAzm1g50za2gSMAzm2g200zv

[2] https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/122414/what-are-most-common-periods-used-creating-moving-average-ma-lines.asp

submitted by /u/Max_Findus
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