Strike / PayWithMoon / Bitrefill covers a lot of bases and gives you cashback while encouraging BTC/Lightning usage

In case anyone wasn't familiar with using these services , you can pay bills / purchase products , etc using Bitcoin, over lightning or onchain , while getting at least 5 percent cashback while doing so.

Strike - Most people probably familiar with this guy now. You can have Bitcoin out of your bank account / debit card in seconds , ready to be spent or held

PayWithMoon - Browser extension that lets you buy anything online with bitcoin/ lightning anywhere that accepts Visa debit card. Basically you click the extension, tell it how much you want to load the card with , send btc to the address it shows , and you are given a credit card to use that expires in 60 days . This takes seconds. I use strike to send the Btc and Strike gives you 5 percent cashback instantly for doing so . I pay bills using this method now for everything that accepts Visa debit card as payment. I'm literally being paid to pay my bills using Bitcoin , and I then use that cashback to buy more Bitcoin while encouraging usage of BTC as a medium of exchange.

Bitrefill - Can buy gift cards for so many things using BTC here, and strike gives you at least 5 percent cashback when you do. When I get groceries from Walmart , I'm able to load up a gift card, add it to the Walmart app that I pay with , and I get paid 5 percent cashback for doing so.

Just wanted to let anyone know who wasn't familiar with these services. You can actually make money and encourage BTC adoption at the same time , paying the bills you are going to pay anyways.

submitted by /u/garbage_human_bean
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