I did LSD and became a Maximalist. I'm selling all my altcoins for more Bitcoin

Everything is clear to me since.

It seems obvious now that DeFi is a bubble. Everyone is trying to lure you away from Bitcoin with exceptional return rates, it feels so shady (I'm not naming any specific altcoin here, but you can all guess it).

Proof of stake make no sense. A currency itself doesn't need to give interest. I was feeling forced to stake to get interest or else I will get punished with inflation. So everyone are locking their coins in custodial exchanges so they can stake for them. Cryptocurrencies on exchanges can't work! It can get cornered by governments and even shutdown.

Their systems is flawed and a messy catchall. The systemic risk in the ecosystem is insane and poorly reflected in the price. There is so much things that can turn out wrong and it can burst at anytime.

DeFi is cool sure, but altcoins are at best testnets for the Bitcoin second layer. Everything of value that altcoins offer can and will be built on top of Bitcoin. Cryptocurrencies are not tech stocks!

Bitcoin itself just need to be secure, private and decentralized. Keep it simple! It makes much more sense that institutions and decentralized projects will use the Bitcoin infrastructure. Thus, making altcoins completely obsolete.

submitted by /u/el_timinou
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