"Executive orders [any anti-crypto EO] cannot be used to subject private citizens to specific rules and restrictions" (USA)

Even the Woke MSN source acknowledges this! There are 3-branches of "power": 1) Congressional 2) Judicial 3) Executive. EO's ONLY apply to the executive branch... and this is why Biden's EO/Mandate (via OSHA) for any company with over 100 employees was struck down by the SCOTUS! (Same principle applies to the States and why any "anti-crypto" EO does NOT apply to a private citizen! https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/verify-explaining-the-difference-between-executive-orders-and-laws/ar-BB1dmTXG

submitted by /u/unstoppable-cash
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/sey8l0/executive_orders_any_anticrypto_eo_cannot_be_used/
