Let’s sit down and have a fireside chat. Roosevelt used these to calm a nation.

Bitcoin isn’t trying to replace fiat. What Bitcoin is trying to do is replace gold as a store of value.

I could have a long and drawn out conversation with a Gold supplier or I could buy Bitcoin which is fast and digital.

You could make an environmentalist argument, but obviously Gold is still much worse even by todays standards. There’s no Bitcoin antagonist that would argue Gold is more environmentally friendly than Bitcoin.

Bitcoiners take the path of least resistance, meaning green energy gives them the most bitcoin for the least amount of money. When using electricity it’s about where it comes from. Bitcoin promotes green energy by a default along with prompting the discussion around how we need to utilize more green energy.

Bitcoin is one of only finite resource in the universe. There’s an asteroid in our solar system with enough precious metals to equal that of 700 quintillion dollars. NASA along with SpaceX and Elon Musk are planning a probe to that asteroid in the next few years. It’s almost ludicrous to think that people can continue to build generational wealth with the idea of precious metals staying valuable.

But gold is tangible and Bitcoin isn’t!! We are in a day and age where our kids live almost exclusively in a digital world. They could care less about what’s tangible. Anyone that doesn’t already see this is letting the world pass them by.

Times are changing no matter if we like them or not, but we’re lucky enough to be a part of it. History is written by the victors. Which side of history will you be on?

Edit: Yes bitcoin yes developed to be a peer to peer electronic cash system. As with anything decentralized it has evolved into a store of value.

submitted by /u/SailsAk
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