Just used Bitrefill with Lightning - WOW.

End to end initial process:

  1. Buy bitcoin on exchange (ideally P2P like Bisq, record the purchase price in fiat).
  2. Send bitcoin to cold storage.
  3. Send small amount from cold storage to Muun (or other lightning enabled wallet).
  4. Buy gift cards on Bitrefill and pay with lightning.
  5. Keep track of value purchased.
  6. Calculate and pay capital gains tax (or harvest losses, if any).
  7. Use gift cards.
  8. Give middle fingers to legacy banking system.

Repeat process:

Steps 4 through 8. Mostly 8.

I will be doing this for all purchases from now on. Huge list of vendors. AMAZINGLY EASY, CHEAP, AND FAST.

And no, I don't work for any of the companies listed above.

submitted by /u/Apprehensive-Log-849
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