Intention to invest in cryptocurrencies – a master’s thesis survey


First of all, we would like to thank the moderators of the subreddit for allowing us to make a post about this project and anyone who is willing to participate in this project!

The link to the survey can be found at the bottom of the post.

Purpose of the project

The purpose of the master’s thesis is to better understand which factors may influence retail investors’ intention to invest in cryptocurrencies.

The independent variables used in the thesis are:

- Performance Expectancy

- Effort Expectancy

- Social Influence

- Facilitating Conditions

- Fear of Missing Out

- Loss Aversion

- Herding Behavior

The dependent variable used in the thesis is:

- Behavioral Intention, more specifically «Intention to invest in cryptocurrencies»

The survey does not include questions regarding moderators like age or gender.

Which institution is responsible for the research project?

Inland School of Business and Social Sciences, Campus Rena ( )

Why are you being asked to participate?

You are being asked to participate in this study, because we want to investigate retail investors who uses Reddit to gather information for investment purposes. Our population are retail investors who invest in cryptocurrencies and our convenience sample are retail investors who invest in cryptocurrencies and uses Reddit.

What does participation involve for you?

Your participation involves you answering an online survey regarding various factors (see «Purpose of the project»). Based on two pilot tests (total n=8) the estimated time to answer the survey is 5-10 minutes, but you may take all the time you need.

Your response to the survey is important to better understand which factors may influence retail investors’ intention to invest in cryptocurrencies, more specifically those who use Reddit. It will contribute to the fields of research within behavioral finance and use of financial technology.

Participation is voluntary

You may at any given time decide to not participate in this survey by simply not completing the survey. It is not possible to remove your response from the survey after completing it, because every response will be anonymous.

Your personal privacy – how we will store and use your personal data

The data collected from this survey will only be used in this master’s thesis. The survey is made in accordance with the Personal Data Act in Norway. To avoid inappropriate storage of data in the application, the data in the submitted responses will be deleted as soon as possible and no later than within six months. The form will not store information on respondents. In other words, identification of individual respondents will not be possible. As we want to maintain the anonymity of Reddit-users, the survey will not store any information which could help identifying individuals (social security number, full name, username, email). For more information about Nettskjema and privacy, check this link:

The link to the survey (anyone who uses this link can fill out the survey):

Our account doesn’t have enough karma to comment, but feel free to post a comment if you want to give feedback.

Thank you again for taking part in our project!

submitted by /u/Masters_thesis_2023
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