Wednesday 10 November 2021

Is this the end?

Is this the end? submitted by /u/Dry-Ad-1070
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ATH Vibes

ATH Vibes submitted by /u/Miladran
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₿ is literally going to the moon in November

In November of 2021, BitMEX and Astrobotic are sending a unique physical coin to the Moon, loaded with 1 Bitcoin.

The coin will be a registered payload on the Peregrine-1 manifest, and will remain in situ on the Moon’s surface until any enterprising soul goes to collect it. It will have a public vanity address allowing anyone interested to witness its redemption or add some Sats if you’re feeling generous.


You can literally go there and pick it up.

submitted by /u/nullama
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What a year!! $BTC ATH

What a year!! $BTC ATH submitted by /u/Icy_Potential_9593
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Its ok to buy at ATH. BTC gives me hope!

i bought my btc at what was ath over a year ago.

it dropped right after but since then i've been dollar cost averaging along the way.

Today my wallet is showing more digits than i've ever seen in my life for any of my bank accounts or investments.

btc goes through cycles and if you just keep stacking good things will happen for you!

whens a good time to buy btc? right now!

submitted by /u/Jimmyjame1
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Bitcoin Cash has 25x larger capacity than BTC & 80x higher throughput (for smart contracts) compared to ETH.

Bitcoin Cash has 25x larger capacity than BTC & 80x higher throughput (for smart contracts) compared to ETH. submitted by /u/tralxz
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Kraken guess 98k BTC

Are they serious? There is no sense in correlating too much btc price to what happened in 2017. This is another kind of adoption, we have companies and institutionals. Speech about graph and price is getting boring. We should rather talk about improvements/risks associated with btc now. If politics and critical thinking don’t kick in right now we will all end up screwed by the government. There should be more debate on important things rather than price right now, let’s make this sub a community for that. I can’t say that openly on r/bitcoin but I see the wallets of the founder/founders of btc as a threat. I also supposed that there could be governments like China behind bitcoin from the start. I won’t explicate too much, but start by thinking that govs studied economics before we all were born on this planet.

First step I will do is update bitcoin to rejects btc mined in the Genesis before the whitepaper, and substitute a part of the first 100 holder with freshly minted bitcoin, like 50% of those. This is not socialism or communism, that I hate, it’s common sense.

2nd step is to apply rules in politics that prevent govs asking any form on tax on crypto, for the sake of human evolution.

Who agree ?

submitted by /u/SatoshiNakamotoWife
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Tuesday 9 November 2021

Can Smart Contracts ever be built on BTC?

To me this is the main reason BTC has competition. Will we ever be able to see DAPPs on BTC or will there always need to be a second coin to provide this feature?

submitted by /u/TheSlothJesus
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Bitcoin is up because the sell side has collapsed and there is very little supply for sale on most days. So even with no utility, this low sell side pressure drives it upward. Now imagine utility and the same low sell side pressure and BCH will likely also go up.

submitted by /u/Oscuridad_mi_amigo
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Bitcoin Cash ecosystem

Bitcoin Cash ecosystem submitted by /u/tralxz
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Ukrainian Arrested and Charged with Ransomware Attack on Kaseya

Ukrainian Arrested and Charged with Ransomware Attack on Kaseya submitted by /u/Egon_1
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What happened to BadgerWallet chrome addon?

Link to it is dead, why?

submitted by /u/UltraRik
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Joe Rogan, The World’s Most Popular Podcaster, Now Accepts Bitcoin Payments

submitted by /u/Tejas_LiMan
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