Wednesday 10 November 2021

Kraken guess 98k BTC

Are they serious? There is no sense in correlating too much btc price to what happened in 2017. This is another kind of adoption, we have companies and institutionals. Speech about graph and price is getting boring. We should rather talk about improvements/risks associated with btc now. If politics and critical thinking don’t kick in right now we will all end up screwed by the government. There should be more debate on important things rather than price right now, let’s make this sub a community for that. I can’t say that openly on r/bitcoin but I see the wallets of the founder/founders of btc as a threat. I also supposed that there could be governments like China behind bitcoin from the start. I won’t explicate too much, but start by thinking that govs studied economics before we all were born on this planet.

First step I will do is update bitcoin to rejects btc mined in the Genesis before the whitepaper, and substitute a part of the first 100 holder with freshly minted bitcoin, like 50% of those. This is not socialism or communism, that I hate, it’s common sense.

2nd step is to apply rules in politics that prevent govs asking any form on tax on crypto, for the sake of human evolution.

Who agree ?

submitted by /u/SatoshiNakamotoWife
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