Saturday 13 November 2021

I'm pretty sure this sub will like this WiFi price tracker!

I'm pretty sure this sub will like this WiFi price tracker! submitted by /u/zener79
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Another Bitcoin ATH today - the Lightning Network has over 30,000 visible nodes!

The Lightning Network has reached an all-time high capacity of 3,215 bitcoin and over 30,000 visible nodes!

Lightning is awesome and really easy to use even for newcomers. If you never tried it, install Muun or/and Phoenix wallet and play with them a bit.

submitted by /u/CoinCorner_Sam
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I can’t believe the shit I just saw on TV

So I’m here visiting my pops, (Ottawa, Canada for those curious)

On the TV there’s a local news station and they’re interviewing people who yolo’d their life savings into crypto and lost everything, all the doom and gloom and FUD they can throw at Bitcoin was thrown. Somehow there’s massive amounts of pity for these sore losers

Do you think they would be complaining if they didn’t paper hand and lose all their money? What if they just understood how to invest in the first place and they made bank?

I’m just so mad that these people get off with no personal responsibility... I just lost about $6,000 this week in alts, other than this sentence I haven’t complained about it and I certainly don’t think my losses are due to anything but me paperhanding some shitcoins I should of never bought in the first place.

So frustrating.....

submitted by /u/AMC_Tendies42069
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I bought my first car! Thanks Bitcoin

But financed it instead.

Could have paid cash many times over from my BTC gains but opted for 20% down and 1.9% APR instead and am going to keep holding my BTC and pumping every extra USD I can get my hands on into BTC.

This is the way.

submitted by /u/stringerbell12
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SEC rejects VanEck ETF that sought to track bitcoin directly

SEC rejects VanEck ETF that sought to track bitcoin directly submitted by /u/lumens_dude
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What I see when I load up CoinMarketCap:

What I see when I load up CoinMarketCap: submitted by /u/ShotBot
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Anyone else suddenly having Reddit shadow ban your comments? I've had four out of four removed today.


Feel free to look at my profile for the comments in question. I'm not aware that they contain anything that's against Reddit's rules.

submitted by /u/AcerbLogic2
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SEC rejects Bitcoin ETF due to Tether … Tether is a liability 🤷‍♂️

SEC rejects Bitcoin ETF due to Tether … Tether is a liability 🤷‍♂️ submitted by /u/Egon_1
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I have been working on this project for months now and I wanna hear other people's opinions since I think in the creator's mind everything is different.

Hey, so I am working on my own NFT Project for a long time now and I wanted to ask other people what they think about it.

For a few years, I really had a hard time with myself. Not feeling confident and always thinking others hated me. I hid for years and didn't go out with anyone. And in the end, I realized it was all in my mind.

So I created my own NFT Project wanting to help others with similar problems. But I'm not sure if it's so clear to the outside. I feel like everyone is in the NFT-Space for making a Money grab or something.

Maybe it's because I looked too much at other projects, writing things that attract people that are only here for money, and not to help.

Anyways, maybe you guys can tell me what your first impression you get when hearing or seeing my Project. Thank you a lot and I hope you guys are having a nice day!

That's the website, I don't wanna spam with other links:

submitted by /u/OfficialNinSa
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Food, power and gas prices are all up. Central banks are debating what to do about it

Food, power and gas prices are all up. Central banks are debating what to do about it submitted by /u/Alone_Ad615
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Cryptos And Bitcoin Cash A Threat To Banks

Cryptos And Bitcoin Cash A Threat To Banks submitted by /u/minitoxin
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Bitcoin Price Below $64K – Don’t Be Afraid, $75K-$80K Remains the Target for Late November 2021. Leave out the FUD from China.

Bitcoin Price Below $64K – Don’t Be Afraid, $75K-$80K Remains the Target for Late November 2021. Leave out the FUD from China. submitted by /u/sylsau
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