Tuesday 23 November 2021

MercadoLibre to Allow Crypto Investments Through Digital Wallet

MercadoLibre Inc. is stepping up its foray into the crypto world through its digital payments app.

MercadoPago customers in Brazil will soon be able to buy, sell and hold cryptocurrencies using their digital wallets, as the largest Latin American company by market capitalization looks to expand its lineup of financial products. The possibility became available to a small group of clients earlier in November and will be rolled out more broadly in the coming weeks, according to Tulio Oliveira, a MercadoPago vice president.

“We took the time to study and learn before deciding to step into crypto,” Oliveira said in ...


A partir de esta semana en #Brasil los usuarios de @MercadoLivre y @mercadopago pueden comprar, guardar y vender crypto.


submitted by /u/dogeminerd
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Have people gotten away from Satoshi Nakamoto's vision?

I reread Satoshi Nakamoto's whitepaper from time to time. Please check me if I am wrong but based on what I read, I feel like bitcoin's intention was not to replace the dollar or base the price off of the dollar. Most of the posts I see here or anywhere is about seeing if it will reach a certain fiat dollar value. And it shouldn't be that way. Am I wrong in this thinking? Should I continue to say to myself "btc will reach hit 100k", When in reality its intention was to facilitate a medium of exchange without the need for a central authority? If bitcoin gets mass adoption it should become deflationary. Now with the lightning network speeding transactions, why stress over how much the price of bitcoin fluctuates when it should provide an actual service as it was intended to be? I just feel like if this thing is intended to revert it back to fiat to make purchases and "get rich" off of fiat then somehow we have distorted Satoshi's vision. Maybe we shouldn't be looking at it like some "store of value" because what value are we placing it on? Fiat? I dunno i'm just thinking maybe at the moment it is a store of wealth, but not for long when it gets mass adopted. What are your thoughts on this?

submitted by /u/AO4710
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Michael Saylor: Bitcoin will replace Gold🚀

Michael Saylor: Bitcoin will replace Gold🚀 submitted by /u/PrettyStandard1954
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BCH - XMR swap code bounty (please share for exposure)

BCH - XMR swap code bounty (please share for exposure) submitted by /u/Setvin
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/qzzymv/bch_xmr_swap_code_bounty_please_share_for_exposure/

The real truth how to make money in crypto

Hello, for everyone who want to be successful in life. My name is Jeremi and im 27 years old. Im trading crypto about 6 years and for this time i made i lot of mistakes and bad decision and now i have a wallet with 73 million dollars. I'm writing all of that because i hate to see people how they were lied and how they living in that magic circle, to work, rest, work, rest and go one time in a year on a vacation to throw all of the savings. And then making another round. Now i'm gonna talk about that how actually i make that money in just 6 years... I started with 100 dollars and take a guess i lost them. The question is how...How the most people lost in crypto. The real thruth is because they using "leverage" without knowing anything about how the crypto works. Im gonna told you the most important things in crypto. 1-Don-t lose money 2-look at firts rule When you trade with leverage for sure you will lose and risk a lot of money, because the market makes crazy shits, which you cannot know unless you can turn the time back. These "crazy shits" are made to feed the big animals in the ocean. Even if you are a pro in analysing the chart you will make some profits and then boom the strategy is not working and start again.. The time is very expensive you know that right. Okay now we came to the part how i started to make money. After a thousand of dollars that i have been losing and thinking they are because i dont have a good strategy and finally in fact i understand that the leverage is a dump trap. Then i started to make the same strategy, but only when i buy the real crypto without any leverage, some of you call it "spot" because they using the Binance. Now i guess you ask yourself then what you do if the price goes against me and the answer is nothing i'm just waiting to came back and don't losing any money. Gonna lose them if i close the order or if the crypto goes bankrupt which is a very small chance because we only use approved cryptocurrencies with a future. Do you know that if you go to training with a free program the chance of giving up is much greater than paying for the program.

I want to make it easier for you, you dont need to make analyses or reading about crypto nonstop. Your work will be only to open the telegram group seeing what i have been sending and just buy it and selecting limit sell (take profit) and the most important thing is to not put all of your money in only one trade. Put only 1/10 of your muney if the crypto fall but dont worry you will not losing any money. Only if you closed the trade yourself This is a scheme with 500 hunder dollar to 1 million with only 100% per month: 500+100%=1000 1000+100%=2000 2000+100%=4000 4000+100%=8000 8000+100%=16000 16000+100%=32000 32000+100%=64000 64000+100%=128000 128000+100%=256000 256000+100%=512000 512000+100%=1024000 For only 11 months...

I making this only because I want to help the people to be something better of theirselvs.

The price for 1 year in the telegram group will be 50 dollars or more at your request, everything will be donated to charity to dear children in Africa dying of hunger and suffering.

Chat the telegram name ....Huan Bostun.... (my assistant) that you want to get into the group and he will send you a wallet adress to sent a 50 dollars and then you are into the real money...

submitted by /u/OkExperience8126
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/r00qyv/the_real_truth_how_to_make_money_in_crypto/

Matt Levine: Be Careful With Volcano Bonds

Matt Levine: Be Careful With Volcano Bonds submitted by /u/sockpuppet2001
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/r00jwq/matt_levine_be_careful_with_volcano_bonds/

New cripto in town, only in KuCoin... Pitcoin 🤣

New cripto in town, only in KuCoin... Pitcoin 🤣 submitted by /u/Phisico
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/r00ez4/new_cripto_in_town_only_in_kucoin_pitcoin/

A short video that tries to cover the basic of crypto in a short video

A short video that tries to cover the basic of crypto in a short video submitted by /u/Bennovgb_belgium
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/qzzzzl/a_short_video_that_tries_to_cover_the_basic_of/

What do y'all think? Are we going to see a 30K BTC ever again?

submitted by /u/Lil_Lovedove
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/qzztnj/what_do_yall_think_are_we_going_to_see_a_30k_btc/

Ethereum vs. Avax Social Media Battles Rage as L1 Fees Keep Rising

Ethereum vs. Avax Social Media Battles Rage as L1 Fees Keep Rising submitted by /u/Egon_1
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/qzz6a7/ethereum_vs_avax_social_media_battles_rage_as_l1/

Help for new project!

Why am I writing this?

I really admire the work you guys do, as far as promoting free speech. I had a run in with wownero when I was trying to make some memes to get paid in shitcoins. (I dont want to spam r/btc begging for chaintips, figured wownero would be the place to do such a thing...) There

There was actually a really good reason I wanted to do this, kind of important to me.


It didnt even take a day before I had half a dozen memes deleted after being posted on suchwow.xyz

One mod approved but another one came behind to delete them after words apparently. They did not brake the rules and when I addressed it with the mods/devs they told me 'I didn't understand wownero'

Garbage, they have a good product that they are too hateful to articulate into something useful. People here can make it happen, my time is better used serving the r/btc community and note the jokers over at wownero.

I have a thing about so called critics who cant take any criticism aimed at them, I wont play games with self serving censors.

So to solve this problem, I am making this proposal. Two things I want to see created:

r/cryptonoteuncenscored - I will need someone to help moderate if anyone here has free time (I am very disorganized)

I want that to be a place where new wownero or monero users ("cryptonote family") can post freely without having their content regulated by meme hitlers.

as far as what is the relevence to this community:

I will help create a proposal to start funding for a project for our community - btcmemes.com!

we need to fork https://xmrmemes.com/ or https://suchwow.xyz/ (I think xmrmemes is more tasteful)

I will post a ton of memes there, and only post the really good ones here on reddit. That way I dont spam up reddit but still have a place to express myself for pennies.

Please tell me what you think guys, I value your input.

submitted by /u/Setvin
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/qzyr18/help_for_new_project/

Gifting Bitcoin for Christmas

What’s the best way to give Bitcoin as a gift?

submitted by /u/rfch11
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BCH Nigerian forum, a portal for BCH adoption in Nigeria. Our little efforts is gradually bearing fruits. Read the article to know about BCH Nigerian forum.

BCH Nigerian forum, a portal for BCH adoption in Nigeria. Our little efforts is gradually bearing fruits. Read the article to know about BCH Nigerian forum. submitted by /u/SnooHamsters7507
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/qzw119/bch_nigerian_forum_a_portal_for_bch_adoption_in/