Tuesday, 4 August 2020

ABC is run by all exchanges and most miners. This is unlikely to change

We saw from the BTC/BCH and BCH/BSV split that the incumbent keeps the ticker symbol and majority hashrate and infrastructure.

"Gettting rid" of ABC like what everyone is trying to do right now will cause a split and ABC will keep the above.

Most likely every decision made by the ABC team was thoroughly vetted by the miners that pay them. None of this is random. They will not abandon ABC. Also I don't hear anything from the Asian community. Maybe someone has communications?

So what is actually being accomplished here? a minority fork without ABC? Again, miners will continue with the incumbent. Exchanges, crypto wallets and most infrastructure will remain under the BCH ticker that is associated with ABC.

What is the plan to change that? is that even possible?

submitted by /u/uxWhiteSwan
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/i3atk3/abc_is_run_by_all_exchanges_and_most_miners_this/

Meme contribution

Meme contribution submitted by /u/ripekern
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/i3bu5c/meme_contribution/

IF...If ABC were willing to compromise with the rest of the community, this is what it would look like.

It's simple. Just keep the current DAA for 6 more months while the technicals are debated. Most of us don't think a controversey over the DAA is worth a split, and there's no harm waiting, so let's just all agree not to make any DAA change because this it's certainly reasonable to say we need more time to discuss this.

But, with ABC's statement that "they are going forward" , there is really no reason to assume they are interested in a compromise, as their actions aren't reflecting that, nor are their words.

Given all that, would it be unreasonable to conclude then, that ABC actively wants a chain split and is creating that situation now by refusing to delay Grasburg?

submitted by /u/jonald_fyookball
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/i3b8m1/ifif_abc_were_willing_to_compromise_with_the_rest/

Curious about the history of the BCH Difficulty Adjustment Algorithm? Want a technical-but-not-too-technical overview of what's up with the current DAA, and why Jonathan Toomim decided to propose his implementation of Mark Lundeberg's ASERT? Then check out this video, now on LBRY =)

Curious about the history of the BCH Difficulty Adjustment Algorithm? Want a technical-but-not-too-technical overview of what's up with the current DAA, and why Jonathan Toomim decided to propose his implementation of Mark Lundeberg's ASERT? Then check out this video, now on LBRY =) submitted by /u/AD1AD
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/i3aszk/curious_about_the_history_of_the_bch_difficulty/

Lowest Withdrawal Rate Canada

I need to sell a very small amount of bitcoin does anyone have a recommendation for the best exchange with the lowest withdrawal fee in Canada? I have been holding for 4 years this is the first time I have sold but need some money for a family emergency.

submitted by /u/ScaryLane73
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Can anybody confirm if the IFP code has been removed from Bitcoin ABC?

I am almost sure that I read somewhere that the code has been removed from Bitcoin ABC.

Has it definitely been removed, or is my memory playing games on me?

submitted by /u/bitcoineo
[link] [comments]

source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/i38qga/can_anybody_confirm_if_the_ifp_code_has_been/

Bitcoin's 10% Drop Shrugged Off - Traders Expect More Big Dips On the Way Up

submitted by /u/Bitcoinmathers
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/i3a4qv/bitcoins_10_drop_shrugged_off_traders_expect_more/