Thursday, 19 November 2020

BitPay is still not accepting Bitcoin (BCH) payments

BitPay is still not accepting Bitcoin (BCH) payments submitted by /u/BCHPleaseOrg
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Startup funding via SLP tokens

Hello everyone, I´m wondering if there is any interest from the community in funding Startups via SLP Tokens?

Developers could get funding, feedback, testing, and marketing; while people buying the tokens could benefit from an increase in the value of the tokens and dividends. To make it clear, I´m talking about non-crypto related projects, software as a service platforms as an example.

Is there are any interest in this? What will be the best way to do it?

edit: positive feedback on the comments, yet being downvoted? Tabs Team at work!

submitted by /u/estebansaa
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Sold my btc for a loss ... am I alone?

Not meant to be sob story just needed to vent a little. I'm posting this so I guess I'm asking for it (neg comments) but be warned no one can make me feel lower at this moment. I am happy for all who were able to hodl through though! There is a little comfort knowing you were right about this.

Long story short: I bought btc on that massive pump in 2017. End of 2018 I had 2 choices become homeless or sell the only thing I owned and keep a roof over my head.

I had always said I'd never sell my btc. "I'd go homeless first!" Ha! When homelessness became an actual possibility ... you find out where your priorities actually are. It was just as btc was capitulating down to 3-4 k region (timing ... I know).

I held out as long as I could. I maxed out credit cards. I liquidated the small 401k I had. I submitted hundreds of resumes. I ate flour & water pancakes for months. It was inevitable, I had to sell my btc; right around 4k if memory serves.

My job is not steady and dependent upon tips. Couldn't come up with $$$ to get back into btc especially during these lockdowns. I was trying but btc decided to run up without me.

Congrats to all you hodlers that didn't have to sell like me. I mean that! I'm glad that some of us "little guys" are going to get ahead in this world!

Thanks for letting me vent a little.

submitted by /u/nutsbreathe
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CoinFLEX launches the first interest bearing stablecoin on ETH and BCH

CoinFLEX launches the first interest bearing stablecoin on ETH and BCH submitted by /u/mjh808
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Which services are you looking forward to re-opening on BCH chain?

Exchanges, wallets, payment processors, ... you name them.

submitted by /u/Pablo_Picasho
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You don't need to own a full coin

I keep seeing lots of posts about people worried that the price is going up so much that they'll never get a chance to own a full coin.

We need to take a step back and look at the psychology of this and why people are coming up with this thought.

First of all the word "Bitcoin" contains the word "coin" in it. What we typically refer to as coins these days makes us think that they should be cheap and you should be able to obtain them very easily. The reason this is even like this is because the USD (I'm in the US so using our money as example) has constantly been inflating forever making 1 dollar the standard choice of use. 40 years ago coins could still buy you something so they didn't always come with a cheap connotation to them.

Secondly once you get past the name you need to come to the realization that 1 Bitcoin = 100,000,000 sats. At the point of mass adoption the general public will be lucky to even have 1,000 sats given that people can't even come up with $400 emergency money. Right now $1 USD buys you 5,591 sats. 20 years from now when you tell someone that you had the chance to get that many sats for a dollar they will be SOOOOOOOO jealous. Meanwhile now you're stressing you don't have 100,000,000.

Stressing at that is the same as someone getting upset that they don't have 1 billion dollars now. Wouldn't you be more than fine with 20 million now? Hell, you could live a great life with 2 million alone. If the answer is yes then 20,000,000 sats (0.2 bitcoin = $3,569) should make you filthy rich in the future.

Last, but not least you have to understand that 1 Bitcoin is literally just a label (an amount, a unit of measure) and not what's transacting through the network. For example in comparison we have pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, etc.. I can give you 5 pennies or give you 1 nickel. On the bitcoin network the only thing that's transacting are sats. Sending a bitcoin is sending many sats. It's ONLY sats. 1 Bitcoin is merely just a label, not an actual "coin" per se.

submitted by /u/Raverrevolution
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CEO of Largest U.S. Bank Says Smart People are Betting on Bitcoin

CEO of Largest U.S. Bank Says Smart People are Betting on Bitcoin submitted by /u/kyletorpey
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