Wednesday, 17 August 2022

Question about how Transactions get added into Blocks

Hi, I'm currently learning about the details of how Bitcoin works.

There is a couple things I am uncertain of and wanted to ask them here:

Firstly, when exactly is a transaction actually verified and valid and traceable. Is it when a majority of nodes verify its validity or when a miner puts it in the block.

(Also, does the Miner also verify each transaction he puts into a block?)

And secondly, let's say if have 1 BTC in my wallet and decide to make 2 almost simultaneous transactions of each 1 BTC, if a transaction is only valid and traceable if it made it in a block, then what happens if both transactions make it on the block? I don't quite get this concept?

I am greatful for any help!

submitted by /u/Vyper-oMega
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How many people do you personally know that are full coiners? How old are they?

Just wondering about demographics of those that are heavily invested into Bitcoin. Within your friends/relatives or people you somewhat know, do you actually know anyone that owns a full coin? If so, how old are they?

2 full coiners: 21 and 47

submitted by /u/OrganizationOk8578
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Old Louis CK on O&A talking some US Economy, gold and inflation. Incredibly funny and relevant chat.

Old Louis CK on O&A talking some US Economy, gold and inflation. Incredibly funny and relevant chat. submitted by /u/Pushyourself2019
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coinex bch withdrawals suspended ?

anyone else seeing this?

submitted by /u/tulasacra
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Skybridge's Scaramucci says two things will prop up demand for bitcoin

Skybridge's Scaramucci says two things will prop up demand for bitcoin submitted by /u/Major_Bandicoot_3239
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How Do Bitcoin and Crypto Work? | Get Started with

How Do Bitcoin and Crypto Work? | Get Started with submitted by /u/SnakeDoc25
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