Saturday, 3 September 2022

Countries Attempting to Regulate Bitcoin with Tone Vays - State of Bitcoin Ep. 38

Countries Attempting to Regulate Bitcoin with Tone Vays - State of Bitcoin Ep. 38 submitted by /u/Fit_Rooster2702
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If Bitcoin hadn't limited its block size and thus spawned a million altcoins by need of scaling, then yes, BTC probably would be worth $130,000 right now. I agree with that.

If Bitcoin hadn't limited its block size and thus spawned a million altcoins by need of scaling, then yes, BTC probably would be worth $130,000 right now. I agree with that. submitted by /u/ColinTalksCrypto
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The Knuth Python API is here!

The Knuth Python API is here! submitted by /u/fpelliccioni
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Helping People Down the Broken Money Rabbit Hole

Like many, my interest in bitcoin has led me to learn about the current monetary system and how broken it is. While bitcoin offers hope, I understand that it’s not the right choice for everyone right now due to its volatility.

However, it kills me to see well-intentioned people supporting policies with long-term effects counter to what they purportedly support just because they’ve been gaslit by their government and can’t see past the policies’ first-order effects.

I’m not the confrontational type and I think that people generally need to figure things out for themselves at their own pace, but I want to help more people see our current system for what it is.

What’s a person to do?

submitted by /u/Appropriate_Bug7466
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How to get out of smart BCH?

I put some BCH in smartBCH and did some farming but it looks like not much is happening there and I wanna change my smartBCH to BCH again but Coinflex is freezing everything and don't answer messages. Are there other ways to change anything from smartbch network to other crypto?

submitted by /u/No_Commercial_6708
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