
"I just want to be left alone"... so your plan this whole time was to cause so much drama and bring so much attention to yourself as a way to teach the world to leave you alone? 🤔

Bitcoin ABC 55.7% ahead in proof of work!

Some misconceptions I have seen during this "Hash War"

The "Hash War" idea was insane in more ways than one. Thank god its over.

This crisis has taught me one thing for sure. Twitter is complete cancer, both here and in big politics. Why are we even taking seriously what has somebody said on Twitter ?

Seems like someone at nChain couldn't figure out how to make CSW faking script work and had to go on StackOverflow to figure it out...

No, there’s no evidence that Satoshi signed a new message. This is just another parlor trick by Craig.

As SV is crying that ABC added a checkpoint back to the fork, can we expect that SV will remove all THEIR checkpoints?

New CSW "block 9" scam - Hal Finney's old privkey compromised

Satoshi: "I do not want to be public, but, there is an issue with SegWit. If it is not fixed, there will be nothing and I would have failed. There is only one way that Bitcoin survives and it is important to me that it works.Important enough, that I may be known openly." (block9hash in tweet thread)

Whoever wanted to stop Bitcoin realized the best options are:

This is both a huge win and a huge loss for BCH

Craig Wright claims to be the real Satoshi. He says this believing that no-one knows the truth. He is wrong. I tell you now - the real Satoshi is not Craig Wright.