Some misconceptions I have seen during this "Hash War"

"Chain Y is 30 blocks ahead of chain Z, therefore chain Y wins"

This is irrelevant as the chains have split and are mining on different rules/difficulty. "block ahead" only matters for miners who are on the same chain.


"It does not matter if chain Z has more hash rate than chain Y, they have forked and are not compatible"

It is true that no amount of hashrate of chain Z can make a difference for chain Y, they are mining on different chains with different rules. But it does matter if chain Z moves some of their hashrate to chain Y to disrupt it (empty blocks and reverting transactions)


"A checkpoint will save us from a 51% attack"

Checkpoints only prevent disruption of the past, it doesn't do anything to prevent disruption after the checkpoint.


"Hash rate decides who wins"

It may look like this is true now, because BCH(ABC) has more hash rate and is winning, but imagine if SV had more hashrate, would the entire BCH community just rollover and admit defeat? No, hash rate only helps to prevent disruption. The people behind BCH(ABC) don't just go away because someone has more money to throw away on mining.

submitted by /u/bitcoiner_since_2013
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