
The US government has launched a lawsuit against Edward Snowden For writing a book and want to block his money. His response:

Aussie mum charged over $1.7M crypto darknet super scam

The 12 word wallet recovery sucks. Is there a better way?

CashAssembly—WebAssembly for Bitcoin Cash

Bitcoin cash transaction ⚡ vs a Lightening transaction.

Why Bitcoin is priceless: US govt sues to confiscate Ed Snowden book proceeds.

The *Real* Cave.

What is Emergent Coding?

On my site I'd like to add payment in BCH. Need to generate new address, check to see when funds arrive, then updates the page, any tutorials for this?

Emergent coding on Bitcoin Cash w/ Noel Lovisa

Norm from Cheers created the symbol for Bitcoin in the 80’s

'The FBI wants my money for PERMANENT RECORD, my tell-all book now in the Top 10. But I earned it.. So, in conclusion, this is good for Bitcoin. Sincerely, Citizen 4'

53 Bullish Reasons