
BCH Promotional Initiative - No Flipstarter Needed

Astronaut in trouble wallpaper I drew

Alexander Levin of ASICseer, BCHN supporter/financier, attempts to dox Hayden Otto. This is the kind of level people are stooping to now, if you do not fall in line with their demands.

Bitcoin Obituaries Lists Another Crypto Eulogy, 2020 BTC Deaths in the Single Digits

A week after Bitcoin went live, Hal Finney was imagining it at $100 trillion:

Adam Curry to Joe Rogan “You’re going to need a Bitcoin, at least one”

Should I buy a hardware wallet if I only possess $100 worth of bitcoin?

Be sure and vote on this poll so we can get rid of the ABC trolls on this sub!

[Serious] Need help to recover potentially thousands of bitcoin

If Satoshi had tried to start bitcoin in the 80s/90s, would it have taken off/even been possible?

How to buy Crypto in South Africa

Satoshi Nakaboto: ‘Researchers find new way to launder money with Bitcoin’
