
Cheapest dex to swap from btc to some usd stablecoin?

Finally getting taught about monetary theory by an economics that understand bitcoin!

Intel Announces Bitcoin/Bitcoin-Cash Mining Initiative, Bonanza Mine Chips Ship This Year. Intel has officially entered the crypto mining business..

Just released

Need help setting up Fulcrum (electroncash) server on my windows based BCH Node.

$320,000 Deposit From A 69-year-old Israeli Woman's Cryptocurrency Profits Was Rejected By The Bank

Jack Mallers hints at convincing Amazon's Jeff Bezos on using Bitcoin's Lightning Network as a payment settlement layer

If BTC wins, how is it truly different?

Appetite for Crypto Sector Still Going Strong as Valuations Rise

Only a single headline on the entire Internet covered the news of bitcoin reaching $1.

BCH & The Fuck Off Attitude

If there were a way to represent BCH's better energy proposition through on-chain proofs, do you think miners will buy in?

Bitcoin Payments Firm OpenNode Closes $20M Series A