If there were a way to represent BCH's better energy proposition through on-chain proofs, do you think miners will buy in?

I think being open about BCH's energy usage (particularly when compared to transaction throughput) would be a positive signal to establish. It would also shine a light on miners with a negative carbon footprint and motivate a more sustainable operation.

  1. Do you think miners would put themselves under this sort of self-regulation? 1a. What do you think would be a good way to measure interest?
  2. Do you think miners would be motivated to be a carbon neutral operation?
  3. Would anyone be interested in pursuing this sort of effort if there were sufficient interest?

Here's an example of what the dashboard might look like: https://filecoin.energy/

Here's an example of what someone might do with that data: https://filrep.io/?columns=energy&order=desc&sortBy=energy

Here's more context: https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2021/12/02/filecoin-might-have-a-way-for-bitcoin-to-fight-its-energy-critics-if-miners-use-it/


submitted by /u/post_mortar
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/somoj3/if_there_were_a_way_to_represent_bchs_better/
