Why should the community believe Craig Wright/Nchain after a long list of lies/plagiarized papers/ patents/threats and "risk finance".

Why would anyone in the community still support Craig Wright at this point? Could you imagine a cryptocurrency created around this?"Craig Vision Coin" will censor miners and users while imposing its patents to business by controlling most of the mining.

Have you considered why Craig depends on Calvin Ayre for all funding? Occam's razor. He doesn't have a bit to his name.

Will edit this, feel free to provide some links on the comments:

- Lies:


- Plagiarism:


- Threats:


- Risk / Finance:



Would you really put your savings into this?

Would you really accept this coin on your business?

submitted by /u/Mikeroyale
[link] [comments]

source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/9tosfr/why_should_the_community_believe_craig/
