Peter McCormack is a liar, probably works for Blockstream, and is a POS (and I don't mean proof of stake)

This asshole suddenly jumped onto the center state of Bitcoin repeating the bullshit blockstream narratives "contentious hard fork bad" and "onchain scaling isn't possible", and laughs at anyone who says otherwise.

He says he can't tell if technical arguments are valid because he isn't technical, but has NO problem laughing down the idea of scaling on-chain (liar and hypocrite). Know what, McCormack? Eat a dick. Then go read books and talk to people until you understand on-chain scaling isn't only possible, it's the best plan, learn how Bitcoin was attacked, and you can shut the fuck up until you do.

Has he simply ignored the associations between core developers and banks, or the fact that none of these fuckers he seems to worship Peter Todd, Adam Back, and Greg Maxwell were involved in the beginning? Did he... not check into these things?

This Peter McCormack guy is a big piece of shit, a sellout, and I can almost guarantee you has been bought and paid for by Blockstream. He's a narccist piece of shit that works for whoever pays him or gives him payola.

Do you know who else parroted core narratives and claimed to be technically incompetent? Tone (made up blockstream spokesperson) Vays.

Why are we posting anything about this Peter McCormack piece of shit?

submitted by /u/1MBFOREVER
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