You currently would have to do 1800 BTC transactions on the lightning network to break-even over doing the same number of transactions on Bitcoin Cash.

I calculated the break even point in this old post analyzing the usefulness of the Lightning Network

As of post-time, in order to get a spot in the next block, the network requires a fee of around 80sat/byte

BCH will still confirm a 1sat/byte transaction next-block.

The cost to open a channel with a single input, 2-output transaction using SegWit Bech32 transaction is currently at least 90¢. This does not include any close or force close scenarios.

I will also not include any fees from the lightning network and assume they are negligible. If the LN does expand, I don't know how long this assumption will stand.

The cost to transact on the Bitcoin Cash network with a 1-input 2-output transaction is currently around .05¢. That's not 5 cents... that's 5 one-hundredths of one penny.

You currently would have to make 1800 transactions on a newly created channel to break even.

To those wondering "what happens if BCH has the same price as BTC:" If BCH had a current-day price of $6,250, Assuming no other changes, that same transaction in BCH would cost 1.4¢ and you would still need to do 65 transactions on the same channel to break even.

That's if miners don't start accepting fractional fees for each block (e.g. 0.5sat/byte or 0.1sat/byte) which has been on the table in the past. This will become more realistic as the price rises. A realistic assumption would be 2-10x that amount should that level of price increase happen.

Regardless: Open channels responsibly.

submitted by /u/CaptainPatent
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