local.bitcoin.com and "This user requires that you verify your phone number to trade with them." Does the user know my phone number before a trade?

I initiated a trade, buying BCH, and have this msg:

This user requires that you verify your phone number to trade with them.

I know I can verify my phonenumber in the account settings.

My questions are, who will see my phone number?

  • My number will be stored on local.bitcoin.com?

  • The seller will know my phone number?

I worry about this, because in the country where I live, every SIM card is registered to an official ID-card/Passport.

If a person knows your phone number, especially for the government, it's very easy to identify you.

If the seller will know my phone number, at which moment in the transaction, he will see my number?

submitted by /u/eddy_68
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/bxbuyo/localbitcoincom_and_this_user_requires_that_you/
