if I could, then I would ask why, but this time the other way round ^^

Dear Folks,

I am banned from r/Bitcoin

I am banned from r/bitcoincashSV

r/btc is attacked from all the places not only me have been banned from .

Many "self proclaimed noobs" do want to push this (might be one of the last) uncensored place of free speech

over to the Block[the]stream hijacked (Troll) Coin with the ticker symbol "BTC".

All those in doubt what this place is about might please read about the history

of this sub, and "Bitcoin" in general.

I do stand against any (even guilded) attempts to rewrite "Bitcoin" history.

Though the "Guild" tries to claim this sub r/btc due to the ticker symbol "BTC",

I would offer it for "FREE" (I doubt I have the force, so please take it as a suggestion),

if WE (the old real "Bitcoiners") get back r/Bitcoin in exchange,

because there needs to be a place for FREE words and open discussion about the future

of "Bitcoin" as meant to be !


( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)

submitted by /u/PanneKopp
[link] [comments]

source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/cqyp9v/if_i_could_then_i_would_ask_why_but_this_time_the/
