The REAL biggest issue facing Bitcoin Cash: we are under attack and many don't realize it

Many in our community are warning us that we are in danger because we are letting ourselves be defined by BTC, and too negative in how we interact online.

Let me be crystal clear, they are WRONG.

First, watch this video. It's an interview with a KGB defector. It was filmed over 30 years ago, but sounds like it is talking about current events.

What you must understand is that the BCH community is under attack. We, whether we know it or not, are at war. If you don't perceive this as reality, you are nothing more than a useful idiot. It's not just a war, it's a asymmetric war, and the odds aren't in our favor.

At best, BTC and decentralized cryptocurrencies are under attack by bank funded VC's who are trying to rent seek on BTC while keeping it dominant.

At worst, and most likely, BTC and decentralized cryptocurrencies are under attack by state actors, with companies that profit from the attack tagging merrily along.

In the video, Yuri talks about four stages when the KGB would attempt to attack a community/country/adversary during a cold war. It wasn't James Bond and espionage, it was almost all social manipulation. Here are the four stages:

1 Demoralize.

This process takes years. For countries it takes an entire generation, 15-20 years. For crypto, it happened much faster, because they started very early, when culture was still being formed. With BTC it happened with the "contentious blocksize debate". Developers were installed by blockstream and other companies, spokespeople came out of the woodwork blocking scaling, and progress on BTC was halted. The narrative was controlled by censorship and banning, and figureheads that wanted to scale Bitcoin had their reputations attacked and ruined. I have never been so frustrated and demoralized in my life as I was from 2014 to 2017. I know many of you reading this know what I'm talking about.

2 Destabilize.

This happened with BTC with the SegWit 2x fork, where they double crossed with the 2x increase.

3 Crisis.

This was the fork. The few people who had the tenacity to put up with all of the bullshit in 1 and 2 were forced to fork off into a much smaller community, the refuge called Bitcoin Cash.

4 Normalization.

This is when the adversary takes control. This has happened with BTC. The blocksize will never be increased, and the only scaling that will ever happen will be through bank-like hubs, controlled by the same authorities we have in place today. Anyone that disagrees is cast out and must find a different community. BTC's dominance is cemented because huge financial giants pump the price, and attack alternatives viciously.

But wait... that's not the only attack. BCH was subsequently attacked again!

1 Demoralize.

CSW (the guy who ruined Gavin's reputation, mind you) wormed his way into the community over around a year. Backed by an online gambling billionaire who was on the FBI's most wanted list (hmmmm) and unknown funders behind that front powering "nChain".

2 Destabilize.

nChain and CSW introduce changes that force a hard fork in BCH only days before the scheduled upgrade date, months after the code for the upgrade was agreed to by all parties and frozen.

3 Crisis.

The fork. Planted agents and useful idiots like Ryan Charles leave the project, supporting BSV. Our community is fractured AGAIN. BCH itself is suspected to be 51% attacked, but only through a shift in hash power and the 10 block rollback emergency change, this attack is mitigated.

4 Normalization.

Projects and developers (both agents and useful idiots) left the BCH ecosystem, and now support the fully controlled BSV chain, leaving BCH weaker and demoralized.

This process, demoralize, destabilize, crisis, normalization will be repeated over and over and over, forever, as long as the existing financial institutions and/or state powers deem cryptocurrency a threat.

The Soviets used to murder useful idiots during normalization, when they realized they had been duped. I don't think we've had much murder, thankfully, but if state actors are involved, don't rule it out.

If we are naive, ignore the fact that we are under attack by a larger adversary who will use any tactic to win, and only talk about the positives of BCH, that message WILL be drown out by 10x more Bcash Jihan Roger centralized BS. Our adversaries have more resources, people, and are laser focused on their attack.

It's unfortunate, but we MUST point out common sense, and educate newcomers over and over about the history of the BTC attack, the BSV attack, and any future attacks that can and will be made against BCH.

If we don't, BCH will be drown out by the psychological operation, and become a failed experiment.

It's going to be a long, hard road.

submitted by /u/andromedavirus
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