An Analogy for Bitcoin: Bitcoinville

Once upon a time there was an evil totalitarian emperor. He was the emperor of Fiatville. In Fiatville, they steal your money whenever you do anything.

So one day, a brave Agorist known as Satoshi Nakamoto, decided to start a peaceful rebellion, and many followed him as he led them many miles away to a new land. This land was rich with milk and honey. They called this land, Bitcoinville.

Satoshi Nakamoto ruled righteously, and gave everyone freedom. Bitcoinville was a prosperous, beautiful city. But then on his deathbed, he gave the crown to his son, Gavin.

Gavin was a righteous heir, and decided that he wanted to get rid of monarchy. So Gavin appointed a commitee to rule instead of himself as king. This did not go as planned though, as his appointees were saboteurs and spies from Fiatville. King Gavin was assasinated.

Bitcoinville grew very very prosperous, and boomed with attractions and functions. But one day, there was so many people, and so many attractions, that people began to be crowded on the roads. It would take too long to go anywhere, because the roads were to few and too narrow. The people of Bitcoinville began to grow miserable, some even left the city.

Many begged the commitee of Bitcoinville to build and widen the roads, and expand the city. But the commitee refused, saying that expanding too far would open the city up to attack, and we must remain compact in order to be secure.

So one day, a brave warrior, known as Sir Ver, decided to take people from the city of Bitcoinville and leave it for a land soon to be known as BitcoinCashVille. Except he didn't call it BitcoinCashVille, he and his followers called it The Real Bitcoinville.

Ver's plan was to lure in merchants and travellers by telling them it was The Original Bitcoinville, and that he had solved the urban planning crisis of transportation by widening the roads.

Except, what was the point of wider roads if your land is desolate and you have no grandiose city for the roads to lead to?

BitcoinCashVille forever remained with a low cap population, and continually widened and polished its roads, but never had a real city to use them. They even upgraded their stone slab roads to asphalt roads, but still nobody wanted to use them.

Then one day the town's Joker, Sir Wright, was fired by King Ver. Sir Wright rebelled against Ver, and took an army of handicapped people to BitcoinSVVille, under the guise that Asphalt wasnt the original road system, and that the Original Bitcoinville had stone slabs!

There was now three Bitcoinvilles, the real thing which was crowded out forever, an emptier version of it with no city of people, and a bunch of intellectual caveman banging rocks together in a desert, forever.

The end.

submitted by /u/LoopNester
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