Supply scarcity reminders for all.

Everyone knows that scarcity of bitcoin is increasing and that the last bitcoin will be mined in 2140. However, bitcoin is going to get much scarcer much sooner than 2140. Here are some rough estimates.

  1. Today ~88% of all bitcoin have been mined.
  2. 2022 ~90% of all bitcoin have been mined.
  3. 2025 ~95% of all bitcoin have been mined.
  4. 2030 ~98% of all bitcoin have been mined.
  5. 2034 ~99% of all bitcoin have been mined.

From the year 2034 to 2140 (106 years), the remaining 1% of all bitcoin that will ever exist will be mined.

Several decades from now, work will begin on mining the final coin. Mining that final 1 bitcoin will take many decades more.

There will come a time when owning a whole bitcoin will be an almost mythical situation that is very rare.

submitted by /u/freebit
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