Wallet from ~201-2013 recovery questions re. Pywallet, Hex, and where to go next.

I have 2 hard drives I am currently searching for a bitcoin wallet from when a friend introduced me to btc and we mined for fun a long time ago. Estimated timeframe would have been 2010-2013 but most likely toward the earlier side. I do not recall any encryption.

Using regular recovery software I managed to find a handful of wallets however they turned out to be dogecoin wallets that I was able to recover some loose change out of, but not after having opened it in bitcoin core and giving myself a good boost of false hope -_- . The wallet.dat files I have recovered so far were created in 2013 and 2015, which I think must be all dogecoin as I had btc before I had any doge.

I have been hesitant to post requesting help as I am sure it gets posted often enough, however, I feel out of options. Here is what I have done so far:

Created forensic images of both drives so don't worry about that

Downloaded the whole bitcoin core and doge blockchains and tested the wallets I had recovered.

Recovered some doge

Tried to salvage the recovered wallets that didn't open in both btc and doge wallets

Searching the wallets I have found for hex data for BTC hex data. So far seem to have only found doge

I was going to try pywallet anyway but all the forums I have been reading have dead links and am unsure if there is an official github anymore.

Thanks for any replies :)

submitted by /u/DaNReDaN
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