David Bond Flipstarter Update

Hey guys, I just wanted to give a small update on the status of my flipstarter/project

My camera guy (Marc Falzon) and I were forced to leave Thailand due to exploding coronavirus cases, we flew home and took care of some personal stuff back home.

We're re-uniting here in the next 3 weeks and will resume creating BCH/Crypto content.

We also plan on flying to El Salvador to check out what's going on there.

Also don't be suprised if we end up in Kenya to personally interview Marc DeMesel

I apprecaite the accountability, stay tuned!

In response to: https://new.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/of0tlc/what_happened_flipstarter_campaigns_that_did_not/

submitted by /u/checkraise86
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/oh9tps/david_bond_flipstarter_update/
