As a professional bartender, I let my guests pay with bitcoin~

I posted this in a comment a while back ago, but I think it's kind of... cool? And also important to hear for anyone working in the fiat world (especially food service workers), as they could maybe replicate the action or something similar.

So I'm a bartender. Like, professionally. As in it's my main source of income to live, I do it 5 nights a week in a professional, semi-fancy restaurant. Note: This is a typical, fiat-only restaurant.

I was chatting about crypto with a guest sitting at the bar who just happened to also be a bitcoiner, like me. So I did this thing... I offered to let him pay his bill in bitcoin.

And he did.

I got him to send me and equivalent amount to my wallet address (plus whatever tip he wanted, and he did tip well). And then I paid his tab for him myself.

Perhaps there are even more ways to work BTC into today's world. Just letting you guys know that I'm out there, doing my part~ 💙

submitted by /u/Punkrypted
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