ELI5 - How to configure an API key in the Bitcoin Cash Register app?

Hi, there is something that has long caught my attention about the BCH Register configuration options. Apart from being able to configure the PoS with an address or an extended public key it says that API keys and pairing codes can be used, but I don't know how to do it or which platforms generate API keys that are compatible or readable by the application.

I am a non-technical user who investigates and asks a lot anyway because I usually make tutorials and answer questions from other users in the BCH hispanic community.

Could someone help me understand?

cc u/MemoryDealers

submitted by /u/RodLuis995
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/qxm8og/eli5_how_to_configure_an_api_key_in_the_bitcoin/
