My 'anti-crypto' dad just asked me which coin he should buy, after he heard that govt is about to allow crypto as assets.

So my Dad is pretty 'anti-crypto' and my Mom is 'pro-crypto'. After months of doubt and questions over crypto. My Dad asked me which coin he should buy. Obviously, BTC!

This is after he heard that the govt is working on a new bill to allow crypto assets to be bought legally in India.

This is big news because India has one of the highest crypto penetration in the whole world.

Reports say that crypto assets will be regulated by the Securities Commission here and some other restriction on non-custodial wallet and decentralised exchanges will be present, maybe. I still don't know how they will do it, but ok. Whatever. Even though technically, it's impossible to 'ban' non-custodial wallets.

But this is the first step. From a 'complete ban' recommended to allowing crypto assets. I think this is a good news. :)

submitted by /u/urajsiette
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